Patented AI supported Cloud Detection System and Sensor for Earth Observation Satellites. Number #1 enemy of Earth Observation Satellites is “cloud”. Customers don’t want to pay for images that has more than 10% cloud cover. Modern Agile satellites have a huge camera within their body and orient the camera toward the target area to scan the image. Having many competing target locations on the path, the onboard satellite controller has to find optimum way to take images with best resolution. If you know that some of the target areas have cloud cover, you wouldn’t want to spend your energy to take photos of those targets. So, you want to strike those from your list, and concentrate on the ones with clear sky. To enable this, the cloud information above target areas is fed into the controller of the satellite while flying over the North pole. This way satellite could avoid the cloud covered areas. Unfortunately, this information is usually useless. Typically it takes about 20 minutes to fly from the North pole to the target area. Cloud formation is very dynamic and by the time satellite is over the target, the cloud cover changes. Targets areas with clear sky now has cloud cover, and those with cloud cover are now clear.

This causes almost 80% of the images taken by the satellite to be useless. (Customers don’t pay for cloud covered images). The technology we have developed detects the cloud cover over target area few minutes before the satellite is over the target, and uses AI to instruct satellite controller to focus on targets with clear cloud cover. This is an absolute must for Earth Observation Satellites. This technology is currently patented and available for license.

Cloud Cover: Image credit: By NASA – Earth’s Vital Signs, Public Domain,

Tram for marine transportation. This is the modern version of age-old cable ferry . Cable ferry is still being used for crossing lakes and rivers and known to save fuel since pulling the ship by cable is so much more efficient than propelling the ship with low efficiency propellers. Now extend this concept to a mechanism which can go from A to B and to C without necessarily on a straight line. Excellent power saving method of transportation for self guided barges, under water transported pods etc. Makes massive transportation of marine containers possible without contributing CO2 emission. Auto guided barges. This is a patented technology available for adaption.